Digests tagged with  React

Tech Paf #30

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

What’s new in React 19 - Vercel – Vercel
Configuring: Progressive Web Applications (PWA) | Next.js
Building PC game UIs using React
How To Create An NPM Package
React Paris Meetup #3, Thu, Sep 19, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup

DevoShare 0x09

Du CSV, du C#, du React et des revues de code.

Alors comme ça tu veux faire du CSV ? [Wiki de sebsauvage.net]
IEnumerable Vs IQueryable in C#
How Google handles JavaScript throughout the indexing process – Vercel
Why CSV is still king
Build React Hooks 🪝

Tech Paf #29

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Node.js — Node v22.6.0 (Current)
Build your own React state management library in under 40 lines of code
Type safe Server Actions in your Next.js (App Router) project | next-safe-action
Postgres Sandbox
Your Next Store — Commerce with Next.js and Stripe – Vercel

Tech Paf #28

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Bytes #309 - War of the Bundlers
Getting started - React Hooked 🪝
Ethan Arrowood (@ArrowoodTech) on X
Créer un indicateur d’activité audio dans le navigateur
Fluid for Tailwind CSS - Build better responsive designs in less code.

Tech Paf #27

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Data Fetching with Server Actions in Next.js
How Airbnb Smoothly Upgrades React
DRY – the common source of bad abstractions | Swizec Teller
How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app – Vercel
Get the screen width & height without JavaScript

Tech Paf #26

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

React Form Button
Learning React: 5 Important Principles About Hooks You Have To Know
From Web to Native with React
GitHub - margelo/react-native-filament: 🐧 A real-time physically based 3D rendering engine for React Native
Baptiste Adrien (@baptadn) on X

DevoShare 0x06

Cette édition est axée sur le front-end : - pourquoi Typescript (et ses limites) - les "build systems" - des tips css : grid ou flexbox ? - une meilleure architecture React, avec la "Domain Logic" - le fonctionnement des cookies dans les navigateurs aujourd'hui

La nécessité de Typescript et ses limites
What is the difference between these 2 menu icons: 3-dots (kebab) and 3-lines (hamburger)
Exposition of Frontend Build Systems
Stop the Flexbox for 1D, Grid for 2D layout nonsense
The Current State of Browser Cookies

Tech Paf #25

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Make Interactive TikTok Live Games - Playroom Kit
Guides: RAG Chatbot
Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React compiler won’t save you
React Internals Deep Dive
Extra Arguments for Server Actions in React Forms

KOD #1

React 19 performances, Clip Path magic, Signals, R3F optimization, Queueing strategies.

Warning: React 19’s use Hook Can Impact App Performance
Queueing – An interactive study of queueing strategies – Encore Blog
Emil Kowalski
Loading assets in React Three Fiber - Zero to Hero
Ben Holmes (@BHolmesDev) on X

Tech Paf #24

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance with React 18
5 Misconceptions about React Server Components
Web Workers, Comlink, Vite and TanStack Query | johnnyreilly
Using the Intersection Observer API with React
Hydrogen: Shopify’s headless commerce framework

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