Digests tagged with  Github

Cool stuff from the Web #18

Curated links from JoliCode watch, PHP and Web development only.

Secondary constructors in PHP.
MySQL Visual Explain
GitHub - alsacreations/kiwipedia: Base de connaissances techniques et bonnes pratiques internes à l’agence Alsacréations
Linux when? Linux now. - Zed Blog

Tech Paf #25

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Make Interactive TikTok Live Games - Playroom Kit
Guides: RAG Chatbot
Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React compiler won’t save you
React Internals Deep Dive
Extra Arguments for Server Actions in React Forms

Tech Paf #22

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts
React Internals Explorer - easily see how React works
Turborepo 2.0
copilot-workspace-user-manual/changes.md at main · githubnext/copilot-workspace-user-manual
Implementing Authentication in Next.js v13 Application with Keycloak(Part — 1)

DevoShare 0x02

Dans cette édition, un peu de performance dans les logging, une app de référence en .net, un peu de React...

L’IGN lance son application mobile Cartes, Google Maps et Apple Plans taclés au passage - Next
Windows 10 Desktop — GMUNK
Improving logging performance with source generators: Exploring .NET 6 - Part 8
Meta publie React Compiler~? un compilateur open source pour React~? afin d’optimiser le code pour la performance, Meta a d�j� utilis� le compilateur depuis plus d’un an
I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite and no one wants to fix it

Sweego Digest 0003

Curated list of opensource short link manager

GitHub - dubinc/dub: Open-source link management infrastructure.
GitHub - zws-im/zws: Shorten URLs using invisible spaces
GitHub - shlinkio/shlink: The definitive self-hosted URL shortener
GitHub - thedevs-network/kutt: Free Modern URL Shortener.

Tech Paf #19

Retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

@ReactNativeConn on Twitter
Accueil - We Love Speed
@shinework on Twitter

Digest 010

Ne ratez pas ce numéro 10 🎉 ! Explorez le podcast de Clever Cloud, l'article "The Basics" pour revoir les fondamentaux du dev logiciel, améliorez vos tickets GitHub avec YAML, et plongez dans les tendances salariales tech. Réfléchissez sur l'infra pour les devs et découvrez des perspectives Kanban. En bonus, les tendances 2024 par Harvard Business Review !

Les développeurs doivent-ils apprendre/connaître l’infra (docker, cloud, Kubernetes...) ?
Monter une CoP (Community of Practice)
The Basics
Salaires de la tech 2023-2024 : quelques ressources externes
Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet (Hardcover)

Tech Paf #18

Toutes les semaines, retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

GitHub - midday-ai/midday: Run your business smarter.
React Compiler & React 19 - forget about memoization soon?
Storybook 8
How to get #1 on Product Hunt in 2024 – a step-by-step playbook – Dub.co
research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

Cool stuff from the Web #14

Curated links from JoliCode watch, PHP and Web development only.

Linux Foundation Launches Open Source Valkey Community
GitHub - php-vcr/php-vcr: Record your test suite’s HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
PHP in 2024 - stitcher.io
GitHub - tempestphp/highlight: 🎨 Fast, extensible, server-side code highlighting for HTML and terminal
Avoiding Pitfalls with Doctrine ORM: The Impact of Type Hints - d1823.pl

Sweego Digest 0001

Curation of opensource testing tools or news

GitHub - trytouca/trytouca: Continuous Regression Testing for Engineering Teams
GitHub - nightwatchjs/nightwatch: Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
Hurl - Run and Test HTTP Requests
GitHub - karatelabs/karate: Test Automation Made Simple
GitHub - apiaryio/dredd: Language-agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool

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