Digests tagged with  JavaScript

Sweego Digest 0001

Curation of opensource testing tools or news

GitHub - trytouca/trytouca: Continuous Regression Testing for Engineering Teams
GitHub - nightwatchjs/nightwatch: Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack
Hurl - Run and Test HTTP Requests
GitHub - karatelabs/karate: Test Automation Made Simple
GitHub - apiaryio/dredd: Language-agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool

Tech Paf #17

Toutes les semaines, retrouvez Tech Paf, notre veille sur l'écosystème React & JS ⚛️

Million Lint is in public beta | Million.js
Introducing feature flag management from the Vercel Toolbar – Vercel
GitHub - KajSzy/next-cache-toolbar
@delba_oliveira on Twitter
Why React Server Components Are Breaking Builds to Win Tomorrow