Digests tagged with  Data

Cool stuff from the Web #19

Curated links from JoliCode watch, PHP and Web development only.

How Notion build and grew our data lake to keep up with rapid growth
Miller 6.12.0 Documentation
php-redis-om : un object mapper pour Redis | Les-Tilleuls.coop
Why you should be typing your arrays in PHP | BackEndTea

DevoShare 0x09

Du CSV, du C#, du React et des revues de code.

Alors comme ça tu veux faire du CSV ? [Wiki de sebsauvage.net]
IEnumerable Vs IQueryable in C#
How Google handles JavaScript throughout the indexing process – Vercel
Why CSV is still king
Build React Hooks 🪝

Cool stuff from the Web #17

Curated links from JoliCode watch, PHP and Web development only.

Running PHP blazingly fast at the Edge with WebAssembly · Blog · Wasmer
Iconv, set the charset to RCE: Exploiting the glibc to hack the PHP engine
New in PHP 8.4: engine optimization of sprintf() to string interpolation
GitHub - fujiapple852/trippy: A network diagnostic tool