
Shortcut to add a bookmark

Shortcut to add a bookmark

New Feature

We've introduced 2 new ways to add a bookmark in your team or in your digest.

  • 'New bookmark' button located beside the search bookmark bar.
  • Shortcut to add a bookmark by pressing Ctrl + B on your keyboard.

Bug Fix

  • Fix an issue where metadata was incorrectly previewed on LinkedIn.

﹟HelloBookmarkTags !

﹟HelloBookmarkTags !

New Features

Bookmarks tags

We've introduced a helpful new feature to improve discoverability and ease your technology tracking: bookmark tags.

Now, when editing a bookmark, you can assign up to two tags from a provided list. Using AI, future bookmarks will automatically receive relevant tags, saving your time.

On the Discover page, you'll spot trending tags. Click any tag to explore related bookmarks, a great way to stay updated on specific topics. Go to the discover page to try it out!

To search for a specific tag, head to the dedicated tags page for your topic.. For instance, if you want to see all the bookmarks with the tag javascript, go to https://digest.club/tags/javascript.

🔮 Discover page, metrics, AI, and more!

🔮 Discover page, metrics, AI, and more!


  • Bookmarked Links Metrics: Introducing a graph interface in the team's dashboard, showcasing a neat graph that count and group all bookmarks per month. This enhancement allows users to visually track their team's contributions over time.

  • Digest Title Prediction: AI is coming on Digest Club! We've added a feature for predicting digest titles. AI will try to predict the title of your digest based on the title of your previous digests.

  • Discovers Page: Explore latest digest made by the community in this new page

  • Digests Template: You can now save the markdown blocks of a digest as a template, creating a reusable structure for all your future digests.

    When you're in the digest builder, just click on Save as Template. Give your template a name, hit save, and voilà! Your template is ready to roll.

    Next time you're on the dashboard and ready to create a new digest, simply click on Use Template. Choose the template that fits your needs, and your selected structure is applied instantly.

    This practical feature lets you concentrate on crafting content without the hassle of repetitive formatting, making digest creation a breeze!

  • Digest Views Count: Keep track of your digest's popularity with a view counter on the dashboard. Now you can see how many times your digests have been read.

Bug Fixes

  • API Endpoint: Fixed the endpoint for saving a bookmark, ensuring a smoother experience.

  • PDF Support: Added support for .pdf links as bookmarks, enhancing the variety of content you can save.

  • Newsletter Layout: Fixed a layout bug present in newsletters, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing reading experience.

🌟 Weekly improvement

🌟 Weekly improvement


  • Trending Bookmarks: Links bookmarked multiple times in your team are now grouped. For easier access a dedicated badge now displays the number of team members which have saved the link. No more link duplication ! Get to the point and be sure not to publish a link twice anymore.

  • Add Text Block: Get faster access to Text Blocks from digest edition with a new quick add button displayed between blocks on hovering.

  • Text Block Edition: A typo in a text block ? No need to delete it anymore simply edit it with the new option button available.

Bug Fixes

  • Invitation Fix: We've resolved the bug that was previously blocking the invitation links.

  • Prevent link duplication: Users can no longer bookmark the same link multiple times in the same Team. No more team spamming !

🐦 Tweet / X Embeds

🐦 Tweet / X Embeds

New Feature

  • Tweet / X Embeds: We are introducing the ability to display tweets in an "embed" format within a Digest! When editing a Digest, click on the ellipsis icon of the tweet's block and select the "Tweet" option from the block style. This feature is only available for tweet bookmark.


  • Default Image for URLs: Bookmarks without open-graph images will now display a default image with the site's title and favicon. This enhancement ensures a visually consistent experience for your content.

  • Performance Improvements: We've implemented several performance enhancements on the page displaying a team's Digests, ensuring faster load times.

Bug Fixes

  • Twitter Link Import Bug Fix: We've resolved the bug that was previously blocking the import of Twitter links.

  • Various Bug Fixes: We've addressed various bugs and issues throughout the application, ensuring a more stable and reliable experience.

🚀 Introducing API for bookmarking

🚀 Introducing API for bookmarking

New Features

  • API for Bookmarking: We are happy to announce the introduction of our first API endpoint dedicated to adding bookmarks. Now, you can seamlessly integrate bookmarking functionality into your workflows using our API with your API key.

Getting your Team's API Key

To generate an API key, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the "Settings" page of your team in digest.club.
  2. Click on "Create New" to generate a new API key.
  3. The API key will be generated, and you can copy it to your clipboard by clicking on the icon in the input.

Adding a Bookmark via API

To add a bookmark via the API, make an HTTP POST request to this endpoint: /api/bookmark.

Include the bookmark URL in the request body under the linkUrl field. Additionally, to authenticate yourself with the API, pass the API key in the "Authorization" header with the "Bearer " prefix.

Method: POST
Endpoint: https://www.digest.club/api/bookmark
- Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

  "linkUrl": "https://www.example.com"

Here's an example using cURL:

curl -X POST https://www.digest.club/api/bookmark \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -d "linkUrl=https://www.example.com"

Integration Possibilities

The API for Bookmarking opens up possibilities for integrating Digest.club into your workflows. Whether you want to automate bookmarking or sync Digests with other platforms, the API provides the flexibility you need.

Happy digesting! 🚀

🖊️ Introducing Text block

🖊️ Introducing Text block

New Features

  • Text Block: We are thrilled to introduce the text block feature! You can now add text blocks that support markdown formatting to your Digests. Customize your content with headings, lists, links, emphasis, and more to create rich and engaging Digests.

Getting Started with Markdown Blocks

To start using the Markdown Block feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Digest builder for the Digest you wish to edit or create a new Digest.
  2. Click on the ellipsis (...) button in the top right corner of a block to open the block menu.
  3. Then, click on the Add text block after button.
  4. Start writing or paste your markdown content into the block editor.
  5. Save your changes, and the markdown block will be added to your Digest.

Markdown Syntax Guide

Use familiar markdown syntax to format your text within the new text block:

  • Headings: Use hashtags (#) for different heading levels.
  • Lists: Create ordered lists using numbers or unordered lists using dashes (-) or asterisks (*).
  • Links: Enclose the link text in square brackets ([]) followed by the URL in parentheses (()).
  • Emphasis: Add emphasis to text using asterisks (*) or underscores (_).
  • Code: Wrap code snippets with backticks (```) to preserve their formatting.
  • And more: Explore additional markdown syntax options for formatting your content.

Tips for effective use of text blocks

Here are a few tips to make the most out of text blocks in your Digests:

  1. Use headings to create clear sections and structure within your Digest.
  2. Format important information or highlights using emphasis or bullet points.
  3. Incorporate links to external resources or relevant articles to provide additional context.
  4. Experiment with different markdown features to make your Digests visually appealing and easy to read.

Please keep in mind that Markdown blocks cannot be converted to tweet. As a result, they will not be compatible with thread generation via Typefully

Thank you for choosing Digest.club, and happy digesting! 🚀

📰 Newsletter

📰 Newsletter

New Features

  • Newsletter: We are excited to introduce the Newsletter feature! Teams can now send their Digests to all their subscribers in the form of a newsletter. Users can now stay connected with the latest curated links and updates from their favorite teams right in their inbox.


  • Subscription Form: We have added a subscription form to the digest's public page and the team's public page. Visitors can now easily subscribe to receive newsletters from their preferred teams.
  • Subscriber Management: Team administrators can see a list of their subscribers in the team's settings page, under the Newsletter tab.

Getting Started with Newsletters

To start receiving newsletters, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the public digest page or the public digests page of the team you wish to subscribe to.
  2. Fill out the subscription form with your email address and click Subscribe.
  3. Sit back and enjoy receiving curated Digests from your subscribed teams directly in your inbox!

Sending Newsletters

Team members can send newsletters to their subscribers through the following steps:

  1. Go to the Digest builder page.
  2. Click on the Send Newsletter button.
  3. Confirm your choice to send the newsletter, and you are done ! You can only send a newsletter once.

Unsubscribing from Newsletters

To unsubscribe from a team's newsletter, follow these steps:

  1. Open any email received from the team's newsletter.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the email and click the unsubscribe link.

We hope you find the Newsletter feature helpful in staying up-to-date with your favorite team's digests. Happy reading!

Thank you for choosing Digest.club, and happy digesting! 🚀

🎉 Introducing Typefully Integration

🎉 Introducing Typefully Integration

New Features

  • Typefully Integration: We are excited to announce our latest feature - Typefully integration! With just a single click, you can now transform your Digest into a Twitter thread (draft) using the Typefully service. Simply provide us with your Typefully API token, and effortlessly share your curated links with your audience on Twitter.

  • Deleting members of a Team: Team's administrators can now delete members, by clicking on the Delete button next to the member's name.


  • Improved User Interface: We have refined the user interface with an updated navigation
  • 'Updates' page: We have added a new page to keep you up-to-date with the latest changes and improvements to Digest.club.

Get Started with Typefully Integration

To take advantage of the Typefully integration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a Typefully account at typefully.com and obtain your API token.
  2. Navigate to the 'Settings' page of your team and enter your Typefully API token in the designated field.
  3. Once your API token is saved, you will find a new 'Create Twitter Thread' option when viewing your Digest. Click on it to effortlessly transform your Digest into a draft Twitter thread.

We hope you enjoy this new features and find it valuable for sharing your technological discoveries with the world!

Thank you for choosing Digest.club, and happy digesting! 🚀