Milo Moisson - All Digests

November 2023

Qualifying Rust without forking
Fast Inverse Square Root — A Quake III Algorithm
Why you might actually want async in your project
“Wouldn’t it be cool…” and other bad design approaches - Billy Hollis - NDC London 2023
Text Rendering Hates You - Faultlore

September 2023

Introducing runes
How to query (almost) everything
I Wrote A String Type · mcyoung
I Wrote Minecraft for a Calculator
GitHub - obi1kenobi/trustfall: A query engine for any combination of data sources. Query your files and APIs as if they were databases!

August 2023

How many GNU/Linux users are needed to change a light bulb?
- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
Rust vs Julia in scientific computing
{n} times faster than C, where n = 128 - Thomas Ip
Branchless Programming: Why “If” is Sloowww... and what we can do about it!
On Maximizing Your Rust Code’s Performance | Jonathan Becker

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