November 2023

FridayOctober, 2023

Welcome to this November issue!

I tag articles with the following emojis :

  • ⭐ : Highlighted article. Go check it out
  • 🦀 : Comes from the This Week in Rust newsletter
  • 🇫🇷 : The article is in French
  • 🎥/🔊 : Is either a video or an audio.

🦀 Rust

A funny interpretation of the Rust compiler.

🚀 Perf


Check out more of Dylan Bettie's talks. They are great, funny and comprehensive.


🇫🇷 Vous pouvez aussi retrouver ce podcast sur d'autres plateformes

Quoting u/moiaussi4213 on Reddit (source) (which is also the week's quote of TWIR)

I've been writing Rust code everyday for years, and I used to say Rust wasn't great for writing prototypes because if forced you to ask yourself many questions that you may want to avoid at that time.

I recently realized this is all wrong: you can write Rust pretty much as fast as you can write code in any other language, with a meaningful difference: with a little discipline it's easy to make the rough edges obvious so you can sort them out later.

I completely agree with him, you can write an ugly prototype littered with unwrap calls, todo!() macros and // TODO: <snip> comments. You can then reiterate, adding a some real error handling. It might be a bit harder to wrap your head around, but avoiding dumb bugs during prototyping can also help you.

Connecting that to an article I've a read a while ago, sometimes prototypes become the product, and you don't have time to rewrite it. Having good bases can help when you develop your idea further.



bug in software Found in an article of cURL's author, Daniel Stenberg. (source)

Left: A traditional goto. Right: A domesticated goto, as seen in C, C#, Golang, etc. The inability to cross function boundaries means it can still pee on your shoes, but it probably won't rip your face off.

Taken from a Go statement considered harmful article.

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